College Counseling
College and career readiness is an integral part of each student’s education at MRA. The goal of the College Counseling Office is to provide direction and support for students as they begin to navigate the college search and admissions process. Each student is encouraged to pursue his or her college aspirations in a manner that is consistent with his or her personal beliefs, academic strengths, talents, and passion for what they feel God is calling them to do in life. It is the goal of the counseling offices to help students find the best possible match for their own future.
The Counseling offices at MRA work jointly to make a concerted effort to provide quality information to parents by making them aware of a wealth of resources that are available for college planning. Additionally, various programs are also provided for students to enhance and broaden their perspective surrounding college and career readiness. For example, MRA hosts a College Fair each year in addition to a Career Fair and Reality Fair every other year. Students in grades 9-12 participate in enrichment programs each week that help them prepare for a successful college experience.
While the College Counselor at MRA is readily available to assist students and their families with each and every aspect of the college search process, families are encouraged to let their child assume most of the responsibility for managing the college preparation process.
The college counseling department looks forward to helping each MRA student begin the adventure of choosing a college. This is an exciting chapter in the path to adulthood. The counselors strive to help our students and families navigate this terrain with good information, a broad perspective, and a touch of wisdom and optimism.
Libbo Crosswhite
College Counselor