Tuition Assistance Program

We believe that qualified students who desire an education at Madison-Ridgeland Academy (MRA) should not be turned away because they cannot pay full tuition. Therefore, we have established a tuition assistance program (TAP) to help families in need. TAP was created to assist those students with financial need who have leadership ability, a proven record of academic excellence, and quality of character. Tuition assistance is awarded strictly on the basis of need in a confidential process. MRA does not award any athletic scholarships.

MRA works with School and Student Services (SSS) to process financial aid applications. Based on the financial information you provide in the Parents' Financial Statement, SSS gives us an estimated amount your family should be able to contribute toward the educational expenses of your student/s. This estimate is a starting point to help MRA make fair and objective financial aid decisions.

The Tuition Assistance Application process must be completed each year.

The Application Process

Tina Box
Tuition Assistance Coordinator